7 Journal Prompts to Ease Anxiety

free stress and anxiety relief tools

In a world that often feels like it's spinning too fast, it can feel impossible to carve out a moment for stillness & zen. It's during these times of heightened anxiety and tough emotions that anchoring ourselves with tools can help bring us back to a sense of peace and clarity.

One of my favorite, most accessible & powerful tools is journaling—a simple yet profound practice that offers a safe haven for our thoughts and feelings.

Here are seven journal prompts designed to help you destress and navigate the overwhelm of anxiety with greater clarity. These prompts invite you to pause, reflect, and find solace through a deep conversation with yourself & your needs.

7 Journal Prompts for Stress & Anxiety Relief

1. What am I truly feeling right now?

Begin by naming your emotions without judgment. Sometimes, the simple act of acknowledging what we're feeling can diminish the power of overwhelming emotions. This prompt encourages you to dive deep into your current emotional state, offering clarity and a starting point for further exploration.

2. What triggered my anxiety today?

Identifying triggers is a crucial step in managing anxiety. This prompt helps you to pinpoint specific events, interactions, thoughts, or environments that may have contributed to your anxious feelings, providing insight into patterns that might be affecting your well-being.

3. What can I control in this situation?

Anxiety often stems from a sense of helplessness or a fear of the unknown. By focusing on the aspects of a situation that are within your control, you can shift your perspective from one of powerlessness to one of empowerment.

4. What are three things I'm grateful for today?

Gratitude is a powerful antidote to anxiety. It shifts your focus from what's lacking or what's triggering stress to the abundance present in your life. This prompt invites you to find joy and appreciation in the small things, fostering a sense of contentment and peace.

5. What would I say to a friend who was feeling this way?

Often, we are much harsher on ourselves than we would ever be on someone we care about. This prompt encourages you to extend the same compassion and kindness to yourself that you would offer to a friend, helping to soften your self-critique and embrace self-compassion.

6. What are my strengths, and how can they help me in this situation?

Reflecting on your personal strengths and how they have helped you overcome past challenges can boost your confidence and reduce feelings of anxiety. This prompt reminds you of your resilience and capability, providing a boost of encouragement when you need it most.

7. What steps can I take right now to ease my anxiety?

This prompt is about moving from reflection to action. By identifying small, manageable steps you can take to soothe your anxiety, you create a pathway out of overwhelm. This can look like a moment of calm & stillness, going for a walk, venting to a friend, or other activity that brings you peace.


Journaling is more than just a method of self-expression; it’s a practice of self-awareness and self-compassion, a deliberate pause in the rush of daily life to connect with what truly matters. Remember, the goal isn't to eliminate anxiety or tough emotions completely but to learn how to acknowledge them, accept them (something that can take a lot of practice, so be gentle with yourself) & navigate them with kindness.

Your journal can be sacred space to serve as a sanctuary for your inner world. I hope these prompts can serve as your guide, and remember, the journey through challenging times & heavy emotions is as important as the destination.


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